Board of Directors
Gary Schmeisser, President
Appointed July 1, 2019. Appointed for second consecutive 3 year term on July 1, 2022. Gary was elected to the President's position on July 1, 2021. Gary (P. Eng. Retired) provided senior management leadership in facility management operations, strategic planning and project planning & implementation in both Nova Scotia health care and post secondary sectors. Gary has participated in many community and professional associations in leadership roles. Gary is a member of the Bedford United congregation.
Ron Cochrane, Treasurer
Reappointed on July 1, 2022 for a three year term after completing two consecutive terms on June 30, 2021. Ron served as a non-member Treasurer for the July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 period which is permitted by the Bylaws. Region 15 concurred with the 1 year appointment as a non-member. Ron retired from Saint Mary's University in August 2012 and at retirement was the Director, Financial Services. Volunteer activities have included participation in and Chair of various Church courts including Congregation, Church Council, Pastoral Charge Official Board and Halifax Presbytery. Ron is a member of St Paul's United, Mt. Uniacke .
Helen Dixon, Member and Chair of Investment Committee
Appointed July 1, 2020. Term expires June 30, 2023 unless reappointed for a second consecutive 3 year term. Helen had a number of years with the Royal Bank and several years with IAC and United Dominion Investments. Helen then spent 25 years with CIBC and CIBC Mortgages and Lending in a number of roles such as Regional Manager for approvals for Atlantic Canada and as a Business Development Manager in the Atlantic Provinces covering all four provinces in the Atlantic Region. Helen is a member of Woodlawn United Church in Dartmouth.
Don MacKay, Member
Appointed July 1, 2020. Term expires June 30, 2023 unless reappointed for a second consecutive 3 year term. Retired from a sales career in 2013. Prior to retiring, Don operated his own Sales Agency representing companies in the Sanitation industry. Don is and has been a member of Bethany United Church, Halifax, for over 40 years. Don served on various Bethany United boards, including Executive Board and Board of Managers. Currently a member of the Board of Trustees and Co-Chair of a Capital Campaign committee formed to raise funds for a major renovation currently underway to the Bethany Church premises.
Murdock Morrison, Member
Appointed July 1, 2020. Term expires June 30, 2023 unless reappointed for second consecutive 3 year term. Murdock (BA., BEd., MEd.) provided senior school administrator leadership at several schools within HRM, and was a Regional Manager in the Office Products sector, sports support sector and a Regional Manager for the Canadian Student Exchange Program. Murdock is a member of Woodlawn United Church, Dartmouth.
Rev. Roland Murray, Member
Appointed July 1, 2017. Appointed for a second consecutive 3 year term on July 1, 2020 which will expire on June 30, 2023. Rev. Murray is a retired Chaplain from the Canadian Armed Forces and at the time of his retirement was Senior Protestant Chaplain (Col). Roland is a member of Woodlawn United Church, Dartmouth.
Dawn Boudreau, Member
Appointed December1, 2022 for the remainder of a 3 year term ending on June 30, 2025. Bylaw currently permit members to be appointed for up to 3 consecutive 3 year terms. Prior to retirement Dawn was employed as the Finance Officer for the Naval Fleet School (Atlantic), (NFS(A)). Dawn's responsibilities included the preparation and execution of the annual Business Plan along with oversight of all finance-related matters. Dawn was also the Human Resource (HR) manager for the NFS(A) and a member of the Command team responsible for personnel issues, including hiring, administrative actions and other HR related duties. Dawn's hobbies and interests include: sewing, gardening, camping, walking, cooking and entertaining. Dawn is a life long member of Woodlawn United Church and since retirement has been attending Orchard Valley United Church in Centreville NS.